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Akurate Dynamics

Understanding Gear Pumps Part 2

This is the second article in our three-part series on gear pumps. As in our previous post, we are addressing some inaccuracies in a competitor publication regarding gear pumps. This article will address topics including material viscosities, triggering patterns and the effects of isocyanates.

The purpose of this response is to provide you with accurate data and information so that you can make your own informed decisions on what’s right for you and your business. We are open to dialogue so if you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Competitor Statements:

Akurate Response:

Gear Pumps

  • Agree, therefore, Akurate flow meters measure and calculate allowing the system to self-adjust.

  • Gear pumps have maximum and minimum allowed inlet and outlet pressures which are continuously monitored in the Akurate system.

  • Clearance dimensions are designed and engineered; it is not by accident. Clearly, this is what is being accounted for.

  • Stabilizing your system and compensating for this process is critical in your design. The pre-heating system, the pumping system, the flow meters, are all working together to continuously measure and adjust to ensure you are addressing the dynamic spraying environment in an Akurate system. This is exactly why we believe in pre-heating, not post-heating.

Piston Pumps

  • True, a piston pump is designed to handle a wide range of viscosities. Continuous maintenance, temperature management, and other key variables need to be accounted for so that statement remains true.

  • Temperature impacts viscosity. Is the process not impacted by the ability for the feed system to feed the proportioner, and for the proportioner to compensate for any issues? (See page 21, Graco’s Ratio Assurance White Paper)

Refer to page 5, Graco’s Ratio Assurance White Paper and you decide whether single point variables are valid or not.

Competitor Statements:

Akurate Response:

Gear Pumps

  • Not all the facts are presented, systems with a torque motor and have a check valve, no problem.

  • We make 10 speed adjustments per flow second. “It takes some time for the system to self adjust” is a loose statement, is unmeasurable, and in comparison to our system, simply not true.

  • Poll your chemical manufacturer and ask them how many of them train you to constantly trigger. This can impact an Akurate system when consistently done. Also, it will negatively impact your project profitability, it will kill your yield.

Piston Pumps

  • Again, how systems are designed vs. how they are managed and operated in the real-world are two different things. Maintenance, calibration, multiple points of potential failure can all happen.

  • Per our prior response on stall pressure, and addressing this repetitive point:

“This is misleading. Piston pumps hold stall pressure if designed to do so. Gear pumps also hold stall pressure if the system is designed with a check valve. Our system does have a check valve (input and output side), therefore making it a non-issue for comparison purposes.”

Competitor Statements:

Akurate Response

Gear Pumps

  • That is correct.

  • Akurate is well aware of this. Gear pumps are used to move isocyanates in other industries as transfer systems, so this is not a new concept. As even Graco pointed out, gear pumps are not new technology. If the gear pump is engineered and designed properly, the RPM’s are managed to ensure this “thickening” is managed appropriately to ensure proper spraying conditions.

  • So, basically we agree with the statement scientifically. In comparison to an Akurate system it is a complete misstatement. This potential issue was accounted for in the design of our gear pump.

Piston Pumps

We hope that this helps to clear up any questions about gear pumps and how they work. We will be continuing this series and addressing other inaccuracies in published content.


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Akurate Dynamics Gear Pumps

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